
The Impacts of Physical Therapy on Fall Prevention

Written by Source of Life Technologies | Oct 5, 2022 3:04:58 PM

Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants understand the role they play in senior care every day, particularly in honing their ability to help strengthen seniors and assist in reducing falls risks. They are in fact integral collaborators in fall prevention within healthcare.

A recent study shared by the CDC identified a consistent player in risk factors for falls, the lack of physical activity.

The good news: Physical therapists are here to prescribe and educate on specific exercises based on abilities to reduce risks of falling. Our sister company, Home Care Providers shares the value physical therapists contribute and how improvements in the quality of life can be made. If you feel that physical therapy would be right for you or your loved one, contact them or your current care provider to see what options are available. 


By now we all know top of mind risk factors to look for and if you don’t check out our latest webinar, Fall Prevention Proactive Tips to Reduce Risk, with Dr. Dev Brar and Dr. Silvia Hugec.

We as healthcare providers and caregivers educate on many possible interventions to reduce risk and collaborate with our teams on different interventions. But studies continue to show the impacts of physical therapy is astounding because they can dig deep into individual situations and what patients are experiencing.

October is Physical Therapy Month and it is of importance that we continue to raise awareness around the positive effects of physical therapy and in particular, around their impact in working with aging adults.

“No one teaches us to age. Just as we look to our village to teach us to parent, we should look to our village to teach us safe aging habits.” – Dr. Dev Brar

Here are what our partners in physical therapy look to address in identifying falls predictors:

  • Is our client shuffling their feet?
  • Is there poor balance?
  • Is there a fear of falling?
  • Are there difficulties in coordination?
  • Are there any cognition changes?
  • Are there external environment factors contributing to safety concerns?

Physical Therapy Spotlight Story:

“I had a client who had a recent fall while in her home bathroom. Following discharge from the hospital we worked specifically to modify her living space and remove the barriers to which the fall resulted from. Consecutively, I determined the clients baseline balance capabilities by conducting a sitting balance test, gait assessment, and overall balance test. Then I was able to start challenging this baseline to work toward improvements and strengthening the appropriate areas of concern. No one factor can be isolated, all contributing areas must be worked on in parallel!”

So let’s work inside our village and identify those great contributors! Thank you to all our physical therapy partners this month, and every day. We value your work greatly!

Are you interested in learning more about how we at Source of Life Technologies partner with therapists?

Reach out to us!

Falls in the senior community are far too common, costly, and preventable. Senior care fall strategies shouldn’t be reactive - they should be proactive. Just imagine if you could monitor, track, and address patient needs BEFORE a fall happens. This type of fall prevention initiative is available with Source of Life Technologies - Mat of Life - your modern fall prevention solution. 

You can learn more about Mat of Life here