
Upcoming Webinar | How to Handle Caregiver Stress & Burnout

Written by Source of Life Technologies | May 4, 2022 2:00:00 PM

We can all agree caregiving is stressful. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to make sure you are not leaving your stress unchecked!

Source of Life Technologies, along with Home Care Providers, is partnering with Rachael Wonderlin, Dementia By Day owner and consultant, to bring tips to handling caregiver stress and burnout.

As a caregiver, knowing your options for stress management can bring to the surface options for reducing your chances of having burnout.

In this webinar, “How to Handle Caregiver Stress & Burnout”, Dementia By Day’s Rachael Wonderlin will discuss:

  • What Ambiguous Loss and Anticipatory Grief are
  • How to avoid getting burned out
  • Why it's so important to ask for help

Title: “How to Handle Caregiver Stress & Burnout

Date: May 10th

Time: 2pm EDT

We all experience stress in different ways and sometimes we may not have the power to change the current circumstances which are inducing our stress at any given time. While it is not a mental health problem, long periods of stress can have an adverse effect on health and lead to burnout as a caregiver and further health issues.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers you have been looking for.

From senior care fall strategies to online engagement and mobile app opportunities, healthcare shouldn’t be reactive - it should be proactive.

Doors have been opened to on-demand healthcare and it turns out the overwhelming majority of patients, physicians, families and therapists want to continue down that path. The decision to modernize your senior care strategies is a big one and doesn’t happen overnight.  Talk to the Source of Life Technologies team for the guidance and direction you need to make the change in your organization or home.