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Rachael Ridgeway

Rachel is a Certified Personal Trainer, who specializes in Osteoporosis and Senior Fitness. She started her business in 2020, focusing on improving the health and wellness of aging adults. While working with the senior population, she realized there was a huge lack of emphasis on bone health, so she received certifications as a Certified Osteoporosis Fitness Specialist and a BoneFit Specialist. She now works with women of all ages who are looking to improve their bone health and maintain independence.

The Importance of balance, mobility, and strength training

The Importance of Balance, Mobility, and Strength Training

For older adults, falls can be extremely debilitating or even deadly. Many falls can be prevented with appropriate exercise programming and household modifications. In this post, we will focus on ways to modify your current fitness routine to help decrease your risk of falling. While there are many different factors at play as to why we are more likely to fall as we age, some of the most common are:

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