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Senior Care (2)

Is Technology Shaping Senior Care?

The movement of technology into the senior care environment is making a positive impact and moving beyond fundamental needs and looking to provide deeper insights so independence, privacy, and safety are maximized. As the senior population grows there is a great need to streamline and improve operations and care. This increase in demand for senior care has health organizations moving to meet needs with easy-to-use technology that provides data insights to maximize quality of care initiatives, care team communications, promote cross system functions, and bring overall peace of mind.

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Reimagining Fall Prevention Technology: 8 Questions to Consider In Your Senior Care Fall Strategy Program

eBook | Implementing Fall Prevention Technology: 8 Questions to Consider In Your Senior Care Fall Strategy Program

I’ve spent years watching family members and patients fall ill and struggle with mobility, have difficulty in keeping communication efforts streamlined and present and continue to enable the autonomy loved ones desire. Reimagining fall prevention does not have to be overwhelming.

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How is Technology Impacting Health and Senior Care Initiatives?

How is Technology Impacting Health and Senior Care Initiatives?

We have now seen digital health shows a lot of value. Some organizations are trying to stick to the more traditional ways of providing care while others are stepping into this virtual world more easily. What is “normal” now that we continue to live in a pandemic as status quo? We need to be using new, creative ways to adapt to the changing healthcare landscape. The “old way” is not sustainable and does not demonstrate to be the most comfortable method for patients and loved ones requiring varying levels of care.

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3 Dynamic Ways to Use Mobile Technology and Improve Senior Care

3 Dynamic Ways to Use Mobile Technology and Improve Senior Care

As we continue to talk about the population of seniors over the age of 65 doubling by 2030 and the current statistics of hospitalizations related to falls being 27,000 deaths and 800,000 hospitalizations, families and healthcare professionals continue to search for better solutions for aging safely.

Seniors and senior caregivers are asking questions such as:

  • “How can we prevent falls and also know what could be a trigger?”
  • “How can I access healthcare and decrease cost, time and germ exposure?”
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Top Tips to Gain Peace of Mind in Healthcare

The past year has yielded many new advances, insights, and uncertainty. We may have even felt unease in a mental, physical, and even emotionally exhausting form. What we all long for inside is confidence. We yearn for peace of mind for ourselves, our loved ones, and our aging parents.

Are you looking for peace of mind that comes from freedom of worry?

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Maximizing Safety and Independence in Senior Care

The occurrence of an ever-changing elderly population and covid seems to have highlighted some challenges in our systems and opened our minds to acceptance of innovation. These days there are more people using in-home services for food delivery, communication, and virtual healthcare consultations. Thanks to technology, we have access to such things as telehealth, remote monitoring, and artificially intelligent medical devices. We are living in a virtual world where homebound persons can interact in vital circumstances and maintain quality of life and independence.

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5 Reasons Mat of Life Can Support Your Fall Prevention Program

5 Reasons Mat of Life Can Support Your Fall Prevention Program

Are you constantly evaluating your fall protection plan and looking for ways to streamline and modernize? The time is now as the population of Americans aged 65 and older will double come 2030. In senior care, fall prevention is equal to prevention of injury. People are living longer, the over 65 community is growing rapidly due to the aging baby boomer population and falls will continue to increase unless we make a commitment to providing effective fall prevention programs.

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Adding Technology to Fall Prevention Planning Can Better Senior Care Initiatives

Adding Technology to Fall Prevention Planning Can Better Senior Care Initiatives

According to the National Council on Aging, 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 65 fall each year. Falls are common, costly and preventable. Those who endure falls are often left to manage injuries that affect their quality of life, independence and add fear and anxiety to mobility.

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