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solutions to falls

Mindful Tech Use in Fall Intervention

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, offering convenience and connectivity like never before. However, it's essential to use technology mindfully, especially in critical areas such as fall intervention. At "The Mat of Life," we understand the delicate balance between embracing technology's benefits and maintaining well-being. In this blog post, we explore the challenges of technology in modern life, provide tips for mindful tech use, and highlight how our non-intrusive platform enhances safety through automation. 

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Tips to Protect Your Vision and Reduce Risks for Fall Occurrences

Tips To Protect Your Vision and Reduce Risks For Fall Occurrences

March is Save Your Vision Month which is a time to focus on the importance of eye health and the role it plays in our overall well-being. As we age, our eyesight can deteriorate, making it more difficult to navigate our surroundings and increasing the risk of falls. In fact, falls are a leading cause of injury and hospitalization among seniors, and poor vision is a significant contributing factor.

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Decrease Falls At Night With the Mat of Life

Decrease Falls At Night With The Mat of Life

Falls are a major concern for older adults, and the risk of falling increases significantly at night when visibility is limited. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among people over the age of 65. However, with the Mat of Life smart mat, you can decrease the incidence of falls and older adults can maintain independence, safety, and privacy.

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